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Use Powerful Storytelling to Get a Yes From Investors (+Award-Winning Storytelling Framework for Founders)

💪🏼 Use Powerful Storytelling to Get a YES From Investors 💪🏼

Sharing an award-winning storytelling framework. 👇

A tale is as old as time...

The secret to capturing hearts lies in the art of storytelling.

That's how investors will remember you - by your story.

Facts are easily forgotten.

Emotions are not.

Take TED talks for example:

→ 65% of TED Talks content is composed of stories.

I also used storytelling when I did my Tedx talk on the topic of "Changing your interpretation of data can change your life".

Here is how Uber used storytelling:

"You called a taxi. You've been waiting for 15 minutes, even though the dispatcher said it will take 5 minutes. You call the dispatcher again. Any minute now says the dispatcher. It's cold. It's late. You are late for the event you're supposed to attend. Wouldn't it be awesome to have an app that allows you to connect to nearby taxis, instead of waiting on the streets?"

If you are unsure how to tell your own story, follow the framework I've attached below.

A huge shoutout to @Katrin Wietek for creating this framework.

There’s an award-winning storytelling framework called "The Hero's Journey" that I am sharing with you below.

This framework follows three acts:

> The hero's ordinary world

> The hero's journey

> The hero's return

Any famous story follows this template.

📚 An example would be The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, which was awarded Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1953.

🪄 If your goals are to build a magical pitch with a unique mindset that can get you a YES from the investors, go ahead and sign up for my FREE Pitch Workshop.

Happening on Aug July 14th.

👇🏼 Link is in the first comment. 💭

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